All classes are given by Rabbi Eliyahu Tal unless specified otherwise.

WOMEN'S CLASS  – Sundays at 10:00am

Children’s Learning to Read Torah Sundays 50 Minutes Before Mincha

The Dr. Edward Nawy Memorial Talmud Eduction Program Monday - Friday at 8:00am

In gratitude for a family grant we received, Etz Ahaim has dedicated our 5783 Talmud education program in memory of our dear departed member, Dr. Edward Nawy, a"h. The congregation would like to thank the Nawy family for its generous support to help us maintain and expand Talmud education at Etz Ahaim and in our community.

Question of the Week Tuesdays at 7:30am


Parasha of the Week: Thursdays at 7:30pm

Class Given Over Zoom


Shabbat Afternoon Class: Shabbat 30 minutes before Mincha and Arvit

In back of Etz Ahaim